Entertainer, Vendor or Speaker
Visiting 2 Campuses Within 250 Miles of Each Other
Within 3 Days
Entertainer, Vendor or Speaker
Visiting 3+ Campuses Within 250 Miles of Each Other
Within 5 Days
Entertainer, Vendor or Speaker
Visiting 5+ Campuses Within 250 Miles of Each Other
Within 7 Days
When submitting your interest in bringing an artist to your school, there are three levels of commitment from which to choose : AI-Attraction Interest, CB-Commitment to Block, and RC-Request Contract.
(AI) Attraction Interest – This option commits neither party to a binding contract, but indicates that the school has a strong interest in bringing this act to their campus. A submitted AI retains the option for the school (purchaser) to book the act at the published APCA conference program price for up to 21 days after the conference. If the interested school wishes to book the attraction at the isolated convention price structure or join a block, the attractions representative must be notified within 21 calendar days.
(CB) Commitment to Block – This option means the school (purchaser) has expressed their desire to enter into a contract if a block of as many as two schools (including their own; i.e. ONE other school) file a similar CB interest in the act within the following time frames:
For on-campus events: 2 bookings within 3 days, 3 bookings within 5 days, or 5 bookings within 7 days
For virtual events: 2 bookings, 3 bookings, or 5 bookings within the same month.
If the block forms within 21 calendar days, the schools agreeing to the block must contract at the block price listed for that number plus any on-site event additions noted by the artist in their pricing (i.e. travel and lodging, lights, sound, etc.) listed for the act in the APCA conference materials or agreed upon by Cooperative Buying form.
(RC) Request Contract – You have agreed to purchase this attraction during the conference dates and are bound to the terms of the artist pricing listed in their Cooperative Buying conference materials. Both parties agree to honor all APCA Cooperative Buying guidelines and procedures as required by APCA Cooperative Buying Policies and Grievance Procedures.
FTE and Onsite Discount programs will be offered to qualifying APCA member schools attending our campus activities planning conferences to ensure affordability for schools.
Participating Associates will offer a 10% discount on any published price (isolated or block) to any schools who book onsite by using either a “Request Contract” or “Commitment to Block” form. This discount is in addition to any block discounts available. Associates offering this discount will have an “Onsite Discounts” sign displayed in their Exhibit Hall booth.
To facilitate quality programming for smaller schools, APCA has developed a voluntary “FTE” (full-time enrollment) discount card program. Based on the full-time enrollment status of the campus, a school may receive between 3%-7% off the listed price of a participating artist or other attraction. This discount is in addition to any other cooperative or onsite discounts, but the attraction must be booked at the conference. The breakdown of the school population full-time enrollment (FTE) discounts are as follows:
These programs are completely voluntary. A listing of all APCA Associates offering these discounts as well as the schools accepted for the FTE discount will be published and distributed at the conference. All Associates participating in either or both programs will be given signs to place in their Exhibit Hall booths indicating their participation. Schools accepted to receive FTE discounts will be given FTE cards to present to participating Associates when filling out Cooperative Buying forms.