18th Annual Leadership on Broadway Experience

July 23, 2024 - July 25, 2024 | New York, NY


Join APCA for the Leadership Event of the Year!

NYC Schedule



APCA Member Delegate Fees:


Non-Member Delegate Fees:



Delegate fees include:

  • Leadership Tracks for Student Leaders and Student Life Advisors/Professionals
  • Keynotes, Educational Sessions, Purposeful Programming Training for Campus Activities Boards
  • A ticket to the Broadway Musical LION KING – Seating placements are first come first served!
  • Optional Add-on: Professional Luncheon and Keynote at the iconic Sardi’s Restaurant




CLICK HERE for the 2024 Tentative Schedule

CLICK HERE to view last year’s conference program


Step 1


Join or Renew now during our annual Membership Drive! Save 10% on Membership now through June 30. All Members for the 23/24 Year receive $100 Member Discount on Delegate Fees for Leadership on Broadway!



What is the Leadership on Broadway Experience?

APCA’s annual Leadership on Broadway Experience is an immersive event focused on:

1) Professional Development for Student Life Professionals and Advisors of Student Organizations, and

2) Development and Training for Student Leaders in the realm of personal and professional leadership, organizational skills, and campus engagement.

The conference is widely recognized as a national resource for support of institutional engagement and retention efforts in Higher Education.

Who can attend?

The event features separate educational and interactive experiences for both Student Life staff and student boards. All delegates completing attendance requirements are eligible for APCA certification of training.

Where is the event held?

The experience is held in New York, NY in the heart of the Broadway district!

Our conference lodging and event facility is the Marriott Marquis in Times Square. The location is safe and secure, and the atmosphere is energizing and electric, making this a uniquely exciting location to host training for campus engagement planning.

Why Times Square?

The theater district (and Times Square in particular) is a strong demonstration of engagement by immersive, inclusive community activities programming. Their marketing and community engagement techniques will be taught to attending institutional delegates. Using the success of Broadway as a guide, the experience helps to develop a clearer vision for creating an atmosphere of culture, traditions, and engaging programming on campus. The resulting effect on engagement and retention programmers is profound.

Why do we include a Broadway Show?

APCA’s Broadway show selections contain meaningful themes and learning outcomes that are relevant to campus life. The experience is centered on how attendees can produce purposeful programs with inclusive themes as a guide. That’s why attending a show and analyzing the relevant messages conveyed are a central part of the experience. The cost of the show ticket is included in the delegate fee!

What topics will be covered?


Student Life Professionals/Advisors attending the event will experience an intensive program of student engagement, organizational leadership, and professional development training. The APCA Certified Student Engagement Professional curriculum will be offered at the conference and will include: 

  • Professional Keynote and Workshop by Dr. Kevin Kruger, President and CEO of NASPA
  • Student Organizational Leadership Seminars
  • Assessment Training
  • Practical Applications of Student Theory to Retention Efforts
  • APCA Programmed Events and Experiences Held at Broadway Area Locations


Students attending the event will experience a program of organizational training, personal student leadership development, and hands-on campus life production and promotional instruction. The APCA Certified Student Programmer curriculum will be offered, including keynotes and sessions for all student delegates on the core curriculums of:

  • Student Leadership Development
  • Student Organizational Leadership
  • Campus Engagement Programming Instruction
  • Hands-on Programming Teaching and Examples
  • APCA Programmed Events and Experiences Held at Broadway Area Locations
What is the Sardi’s Luncheon & Professional Keynote?

The annual Sardi’s Luncheon and Keynote has become one of the most popular events of the conference! This is an optional conference add-on available to all advisors and students attending the conference, while space allows.

The cost is $129 per person and includes: 

  • Lunch at the famous Times Square restaurant, Sardi’s.
  • A Keynote presentation by the APCA Executive Director based on the themes of the Broadway show selected for the conference
  • Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids auction – APCA raises thousands of dollars for its national charity, BCEFA, each year!
  • Surprise guests…

Hotel Information

Marriott Marquis, Times Square

  • ADDRESS: 1535 Broadway New York, NY 10036
  • ROOM RATE: $329 + state & local taxes
APCA Block Deadline July 2, 2024

Recommended Check-In Date: Monday 7/22, Check-Out Date: Thursday 7/25

YOU MUST MAKE RESERVATIONS UNDER THE APCA BLOCK (ASSOCIATION FOR THE PROMOTION OF CAMPUS ACTIVITIES).  Any reservations outside the block will be subject to higher rates and $30 per day destination fees.


Reservations by attendees must be received on or before Tuesday, July 2, 2024.  At the Cutoff Date, the Hotel will determine whether it can accept reservations based on a space- and rate-available basis at the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities group rate after this date. 


All reservations must be accompanied by a first-night room deposit or guaranteed with a major credit card. The hotel will not hold any reservations unless secured by one of the above methods.



Delta Air Lines is pleased to offer special discounts for APCA

Please click here to book your flights.

You may also call Conferences and Events® at 1.800.328.1111* Monday–Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. (EST) and refer to Meeting Event Code  NM3W3
*Please note there is not a service fee for reservations booked and ticketed via our reservation
800 number.


Educational Session Proposal


Featured Advisor Keynote

Stephanie A. Gordon, Ed.D.

Vice President for Professional Development at NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education